Jimmy Carter: The Peanut President Who Spent Four Years Losing Fights to Inflation, Oil, and Helicopters

Jimmy Carter: The Peanut President Who Spent Four Years Losing Fights to Inflation, Oil, and Helicopters

Ah, Jimmy Carter—the president who walked straight out of a Hallmark movie about small-town honesty and directly into an HBO miniseries about economic chaos, diplomatic gridlock, and sweater-based energy policies.

Elected in 1976 on a platform of "I'm not Nixon!" Carter brought sincerity, Southern charm, and a sweater collection that could rival your grandmother's attic. But behind that warm smile and cardigan exterior lay a presidency marred by:

  • Economic misery

  • Diplomatic faceplants

  • A gas crisis that left America asking, "Is this the line for Star Wars tickets or just fuel?"

So, buckle up, history buffs and snark enthusiasts, as we relive the Greatest Hits of Carter’s most eyebrow-raising presidential misadventures.

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