Unlocking the Mystery of the Urim and Thummim: Ancient Israel’s Divine Decision-Making Tools
Seer Stones, Hebrew, Ancient Bits and Bobs Seer Stones, Hebrew, Ancient Bits and Bobs

Unlocking the Mystery of the Urim and Thummim: Ancient Israel’s Divine Decision-Making Tools

Imagine you’re an ancient Israelite. Your enemies are camped on the horizon, your leaders are arguing, and you need to know if going into battle is a good idea. Do you:

  • A) Flip a coin?

  • B) Trust your gut?

  • C) Ask your High Priest to pull out the divine equivalent of a Magic 8-Ball?

If you picked C, congratulations—you’re ready to use the Urim and Thummim!

These ancient tools of divine decision-making were like having a hotline to God, except without the hold music. But what were they, where did they come from, and why did they disappear like a bad Tinder match? Let’s dive into the weird and wonderful world of the Urim and Thummim!

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